Inbound tourism to Morocco:

Discover Morocco through different travel styles

In 2023, travellers explored Morocco in different ways, each offering unique experiences and insights. Whether a round trip, sun and beach holiday or city trip, travellers enjoyed Morocco's rich culture, breathtaking landscapes and charming cities. Let's take a look at the key trends and preferences for each type of travel.

Round trips: Cultural and scenic experiences

Sightseeing and exploring Morocco's beautiful countryside were the most popular activities among round trip travellers. They stayed longer than comparable city break travellers, preferred hotels for their comfort and usually travelled to Morocco by plane. Once in Morocco, many rented a car to allow flexibility in exploring the country, but buses were also popular as the main local transport.

Sun and beach holidays: relaxation and leisure

Sun and beach holidaymakers sought relaxation by sunbathing, swimming and walking on the beach. This group of travellers, who were on average younger than tour and city trip travellers, had the longest average length of stay in Morocco. Similar to the tour holiday travellers, they preferred staying in hotels and mainly travelled by plane. Almost 40 % of them took domestic flights to explore different regions in Morocco.

City trips: Urban exploration and culinary delights

City travellers enjoyed exploring Morocco's culturally rich cities. Their average length of stay was shorter than that of tour and sun & beach travellers. In terms of activities, this group of travellers enjoyed intensive sightseeing tours, city atmospheres and culinary experiences. Hotels were also one of the first choices of accommodation, with almost 90% travelling by air. Once in the city, city break travellers often explored the city by car for individual excursions. The average age of these travellers was slightly younger than those on tour holidays or sun and beach holidays.

Common trends and insights

Across all categories, hotels were the top choice for accommodation and air travel was the main mode of transport. Car rental offered flexibility and allowed travellers to explore Morocco at their own pace. The top markets, i.e. which countries travellers came from, were similar, with France, Germany and Spain leading the way for round trips and sun and beach holidays, while the UK, France and

Spain were more popular with city trip travellers.

Our conclusions and key takeaways

on inbound travellers to Morocco

This case study illustrates the diverse interests and behaviours of travellers in Morocco. Whether it's the cultural richness of round trips, the relaxation of sun and beach holidays or the dynamic energy of city breaks, Morocco has something for everyone. By understanding these patterns, we can better meet the needs of our visitors and provide them with memorable and fulfilling experiences in this beautiful country.

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